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The Difference Between English Budgie vs American Parakeet


The English Budgie and the American Budgie are quite different in appearance as well as their temperament. The English is much larger than its counterpart, but they both have similar characteristics such as loud vocalization when threatened or excited.

The English Budgie is much larger than the American version, but it doesn’t vocalize as often or with such volume. It also has a more relaxed personality and can be easier to tame – if you discipline an American budgerigar/parakeet regularly from its early days then they’ll avoid biting fingers. 

The American Budgie and the Wild Budgerigar are not only different breeds, but they hardly differ in size. The smaller of the two is still much larger than its wild counterpart. The littlest member of both species barely exceeds a few inches long – yet it’s already significantly bigger than your average Australian budgies!

About English Budgie

A select few of the many budgie breeds are known as exhibition birds due to their long lineage in breeding for show purposes.

The English Budgerigar, or Show Budgie, is one such breed that has undergone generations and years worth of selective breeding for its specific features which include size and coloring that characterize it above other varieties like the American variety.

The English Budgie is a great option for those who are looking to get into the bird world and do not want much noise.

They tend to be less vocal than their American counterparts, easier to handle because of selective breeding, and even some basic commands can often work with them since they have been selectively bred.

Personality/ Character 

The English Budgie is a small, simple bird that has been bred to be friendly and laid back.

Though they are usually contained in their cages at home or on the shoulder of an avian enthusiast, when given the chance to perform for humans with feathers fluffed up high like showy plumage he will do so without fear.

A fascinating discovery has come about in the world of bird language. Recently, a group of scientists had learned that English Budgies have been trained by humans to be as quiet and calm as possible so they can live with other animals without disturbing them.

They are more prone than their American counterparts to developing extensive vocabularies because they never make any noise at all!


Budgies are fascinating little creatures. For a bird that is generally quite shy, it can be surprisingly easy to train with the right approach and techniques.

One way to do this easily at home is by training them on your finger so you don’t have to chase around after him in his cage when it’s time for cleaning or checking up on him; he’ll hop onto your hand already!

Finger training any budgie is a good idea as it enables you more readily get the bird out of its cage during routine maintenance such as clean-ups or checkups without stressing either party involved through chasing back and forth across their space which may cause undue stress if not worse injury depending on how well trained said pet has become over time. 

We recommend getting started early with your bird’s training. If you start when he is less than 4 months old, it might be possible to train him to do tricks and talk as well!

Health & Care

The English Budgie is a bright, beautiful bird with long feathers and distinctive plumage.

They are usually twice the size of their wild counterparts and have tails that can range from short to very long in length.

If you notice your budgie not taking care of himself or anyone else they may be unhappy which could lead them to shorten their lifespan by up to one year!

The English Budgie is a pet bird with many desirable qualities including being intelligent, docile, and quiet. They are known for their friendly demeanor which can make them an excellent choice of family pets as they will be acceptable to all members of the household.

These birds tend to live on average 10-15 years so you won’t have to worry about making room at your house or changing up your routine too much if one moves into it!

American Budgie (Parakeet) Overview

The American Budgie is a very different bird than the English Budgie. The American breed has not been through rigorous selective breeding like the English and so will actually be much larger, closer to their Wild cousins in size- even if they are more vocal, difficult to train, and have strong nipping tendencies!

Personality/ Character

The American Budgie is a wilder bird than the English budgerigar and this is most apparent in its behavior. The American variety will usually be much more vocal, although they do not necessarily have better vocabulary just because you are likely to hear them say something different from time to time.

They also nip and bite your fingers which can sometimes lead to biting off fingernails or thumb tips!


American Budgies are notoriously difficult to train, even though they’re often more closely related to their wild counterparts than the English budgie.

Unlike most domesticated birds who can be easily trained with a few finger clicks and some time on your part, it will take much longer before you see any results from training an American bird.

The problem is that not only do these little guys have different feeding habits when compared to other colorful avians like parrots or cockatoos–part of what makes them so great as pets!

They also require way more patience in order for them to learn things such as how use tools around the house (i.e., perches) or fly inside cages without getting stuck on bars all day long!

Birds are great pets for children, but it’s important to get started with them as early in life as possible. Budgies usually leave their parents at around ten weeks old and if you can work on training your child from this time period onwards they will have the best chance of becoming a well-behaved family pet.

Health & Care

If you’ve been wanting to get a pet bird, the American Budgie is just right for your household. The life expectancy of this type of budgie is 10 years and will fend well for himself when it comes to preening or cleaning up after itself. You should still make sure that he does his job diligently so there are no surprises!

The American Budgie is a breed that takes more effort to integrate into the family. You will have to spend time getting him used to being handled and need to start training from an early age, which may be too much for some people who prefer quieter pets.

He can still make noise even when he has been well-trained! However, if you are willing to put in the extra work required by this bird’s nature then they could suit your needs just fine as companions or entertainment around your home.

Is English and American Budgies Live Together?

What if your two favorite birds are on the same side of the pond?

The American Budgie and English Budgies each have their own unique personality traits, so it is not always easy to know which one will be friendlier.

If you do experience problems with these two species living together, they are likely caused by either smaller wilder American budgies starting trouble or more laid-back passive English ones being targeted for no reason at all!

Unlike the English counterpart, which is larger and heavier than its American counterpart, an injured or angry budgie can be just as dangerous.

The best way to avoid such a situation in your home during breeding season is simply by taking steps for safety before it starts with large cages that are more difficult to escape from if there’s any trouble brewing.

The safest course of action when housing two different bird breeds together like these Budgies would be making sure they have plenty of room inside their cage so neither one has reason enough to become startled and attack each other out of fear-likelihood also increases this will happen if you’re not separating them beforehand should tension arise between the birds themselves. 

Which One Will Talk?

The American Budgie is well known for being louder and more vocal than this English counterpart. He will vocalize his discontent, unhappiness, and pleasure with a much higher frequency of human speech such as “no” or “hi.”

Surprisingly enough though they are both equally likely to mimic the sounds that we make when trying to speak kindly towards them like “hello”!

Whether your bird learns how depends on your diligence in training him/her because it could be due to either their breed’s preference rather than just an individual personality trait. 

The English Budgie is a domesticated and bred bird that has been encouraged to interact with humans.

They are most commonly found in shows, exhibitions, and zoos because they have great talking skills but can also be quite content just sitting on your finger if you groom them enough!

The American budgerigar was only recently discovered by the Western world due to their ability for singing. 

These little birds were originally thought of as pests until scientists began studying how happy these creatures seem despite having no natural habitat or food sources since it’s not practical to keep one at home as an animal – however, this does mean people should never underestimate what these animals might do when living wild again someday soon…

Budgerigars are native to Australia, and parakeets originate in Asia. Parakeets have a more rounded head than budgies. 

The two types of birds can live together if they are introduced at a young age. Budgies need more space because they like to fly around while parakeets prefer staying on the ground.

Budgie’s feathers are shorter and denser so they look fluffy whereas parakeet’s feathers appear longer, straighter, and less dense. 

Budgerigars are smaller and have a long tail, whereas parakeets are larger and have a short tail. Budgies like to play in the grass, while parakeets prefer to stay on your shoulder.

Budgies can live up to 20 years with proper care, whereas parakeets usually only live for 5-8 years.  Parakeet colors include green, blue, yellow, white, red/pink/orange; budgie colors include green or light brown. 

Budgies can live up to 12 years old while parakeets only live 8-10 years on average. Parakeets make louder noises and their voices are higher pitched than the quieter sounds of the budgerigar. 

Bottom Line

The difference between a budgerigar and a parakeet is that the former can learn to talk while the latter cannot. It can be hard to pick the right pet bird. Is a silent, easy-to-care-for parrot what you want? Or are you looking for something more like their wild counterparts: vocal and full of personality? 

If your answer is yes to both questions then American Budgies might just be perfect! These birds will chatter away in response as they nibble on fingers with delight. They may have slightly longer lifespans than English or Australian budgies but it’s worth it if that means having an interesting companion who never fails to make you laugh every day!