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Are you interested in Quaker Parrot eggs?


If you have a Quaker Parrot, then it is important to know how they lay eggs. This article will help you understand that process and when your bird may be laying an egg.

The article includes information on what to do if your Quaker Parrot lays an egg outside of its cage, as well as how to tell if the egg is fertile or not. You’ll also find out about incubation methods.

Let’s get started!

Eggs Getting Cold Mom“Eggs Getting Cold Mom” by QuakerVille is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

When do quaker parrots lay eggs?

The quaker parrot breeding season in Australia is typically mid-fall to early spring. This will change little bits here and there for domestic Quakers depending on their geolocation and habitat temperatures.

The quaker parrot breeding season in America is during spring. That’s also the case for some parts of Australia but it will change based on region and climate.

Generally, female Quakers will lay eggs around 5 – 6 months of age. Some breeds tend to lay their first clutch earlier than others (Lutino birds, for example). Breeding season for them is generally during the Australian summer.

A quaker parrot will lay eggs within 24 hours of fertilization.

How many eggs will a quaker parrot lay?

A quaker can lay up to 8 eggs in a clutch with some exceptions. This will usually be 1 egg a day for 7-8 days. They then will incubate the eggs until they hatch (see below).

What color are quaker parrot eggs?

The color of a Quaker Parrot egg varies in size, shape, and color depending on the clutch’s genetics. The typical range of colors is white to tan and sometimes blue or pink in rare cases.

How long do quaker parrots eggs take to hatch?

The incubation or hatching process usually takes between 17 – 21 days. It will be longer if the eggs are not incubated with a heat source (such as an under-the-cage heating pad, for example). Incubation only starts to take place once the last egg is laid and she starts to sit on them (or you put them into an incubator).

How to tell if a quaker parrot egg is fertile

The easiest way to tell if a quaker parrots egg is fertile is if she has a male mate. If she laid the egg without a mate, you can still tell if it is fertile by candling the egg.

Candling is a method that shows if your Quaker has fertilized or unfertilized eggs during her clutch. This isn’t necessary to determine when they are ready to hatch (such as embryonic development) but more so to get an idea of how many eggs are viable and determined that way.

How do I candle my quaker parrot’s eggs?

Only do this after 7-8 days or you won’t see any results.

Carefully pick up the egg and shine a bright flashlight into it, if you see an obvious developing bird, it’s fertile. if you don’t see anything, put it back and try again in a few days. If nothing shows then the egg is likely infertile.

Quaker Parrot laying eggs outside of the cage

If she’s managed to make a nest outside of her cage, Then it’s best to leave it be and to keep it protected from other people or animals/pets. It’s likely already going to be in a safe spot.

Moving the nest could risk stressing out your bird or worse case she may abandon the eggs.