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What Birds Can Live With Budgies


Budgies are small, active birds that make excellent pets. They can be great companions for other birds as well. But what kind of bird should you choose to live with a budgie? This list will give you some good ideas!

What birds can live with budgies

Most budgies should have no issue intermingling with many other small bird species. However, there are a few that could be dangerous for them. Here is a shortlist of the more popular species that are safe to share accommodations with a budgie.

Birds that can share a cage with budgies

  • Other Budgerigars (budgies)
  • Cockatiels
  • Lorikeets
  • Parakeets
  • Zebra finches

Birds that shouldn’t share a cage with budgies

  • Any bird larger than a cockatiel
  • Any bird that is aggressive
  • Birds with long, rounded beaks
  • Cockatoos
  • Macaws
  • Rooks
  • Ravens and crows (due to their size)
  • Love birds
  • Mynah’s
  • Canaries (even though they tend to be smaller and/or about the same size)

Keep in mind this is an incomplete list of what birds can and can’t live with budgies.

Budgerigars, cockatiels, and lorikeets are three of the most popular small bird species that will not cause any issues sharing a cage with a budgie. These smaller-sized birds generally have no issue settling into new accommodations as long as they’re given time to adjust to their new roommates.

If you have a larger bird like a cockatoo or macaw, it’s not recommended to house them in the same cage as your budgie. These birds are more likely to cause an issue with another feathered friend and can potentially injure them over time. Even if it is an accident.

However, every bird has its own personality and general temperament. If you find any of the birds, even the ones on the safe list, are being aggressive or territorial towards your budgie, you’ll want to think about moving them out to their own aviary.

Steps to make accommodations safer

There are a few important things you will need in order to make it easier and less stressful for these birds when you want to place them in the same cage.

1) Don’t overstock your aviary. Your birds need room to move about and fly around. If there are too many birds in 1 cage, they will start to become more territorial and aggressive, possibly even killing each other.

2) For each bird there should be a corresponding shelter for them to hide in. There should be a few different sizes and levels of shelters for each bird species, so they can find what’s best for them.

This can help them get away from the other birds when they’ve had enough, or just shelter away from the noise and hustle-bustle of birdlife.

3) Slowly introduce the new birds to the budgie cage (Or vice versa). They need to acclimate to the new smells, sounds, and sights of their surroundings. Feed them on opposite sides of the cage for a couple of days so they don’t become accidentally aggressive over feeding time.

Watch them closely and often, as this is the time to notice any aggressive problematic behavior before it escalates.

Food bullying is a large issue, especially if your aviary is overstocked. Some birds are timider than the others and might not feel comfortable feeding, or getting to the food before it’s all gobbled up by the others.

This is easy to remedy by placing more feeding perches and more food in general, But also not overstocking your cages.