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Why Is My Hamster Drinking So Much Water?


If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering why your hamster is drinking so much water. You’ll find that there are a lot of possible causes, but the most likely one is that your hamster is just thirsty.

Still, it’s worth keeping an eye on your furry friend to make sure that there isn’t something else going on. If your hamster starts drinking more water than usual, or if they seem to be urinating more often, it’s best to take them to the vet to get checked out.

In the meantime, here are a few things you can do to help your hamster stay hydrated:

-Provide fresh water daily and change it often
-Give your hamster high-quality food that contains moisture
-Consider adding a water bottle to their cage


Why is my hamster drinking so much water?

A hamster that drinks more water than usual may have diabetes mellitus, which is also referred to as “sugar diabetes.” With this condition, the hamster’s body does not produce enough insulin to metabolize glucose properly. The resulting increase in blood sugar causes the hamster to drink more water in order to flush the sugar out of its system. If your hamster is drinking a lot of water and also urinating frequently, you should take it to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Could my hamster be sick?

If your hamster is drinking a lot of water, it could be a sign that something is wrong. While it is normal for hamsters to drink more water in the summer, or if they are pregnant or nursing, if your hamster is drinking a lot of water and shows other signs of illness, it’s important to take them to the vet right away.

There are several possible causes of excessive thirst in hamsters, including diabetes, kidney disease, and Cushing’s disease. If your hamster is drinking more water than usual and also has any of the following symptoms, they may be sick and need to see a vet:

-Weight loss


-Poor appetite

-Hiding more than usual

-Montgomery glands (small bumps) on their skin that secrete a waxy substance

Is my hamster’s water dish clean?

One of the most important things you can do to keep your hamster healthy is to make sure his water dish is clean and full of fresh water. Hamsters are notorious for making a mess of their water, so it’s important to check it often and clean it out as needed. If your hamster’s water dish is dirty, he may be drinking more water than usual in an effort to stay hydrated.

Could my hamster’s water be too cold?

If your hamster’s water bottle is kept in a spot where the temperature drops at night or if the water inside isn’t replaced often enough, the water could become too cold for your hamster to drink. If you suspect this might be the case, try moving the water bottle to a warmer spot in your home or replacing the water more frequently.

Could my hamster’s water be too hot?

If your hamster’s water is too hot, it could be causing him to drink more water in an attempt to cool down his body. This is particularly important during the summer when their surroundings could be warm so they need to be able to cool down.


Is my hamster’s water dish too deep?

One of the most common questions we get from new hamster parents is “Why is my hamster drinking so much water?” 

A hamster’s water intake can vary greatly depending on the temperature of their environment, how active they are, what type of food they are eating and even their stress levels. A normal, healthy hamster will drink between 50 – 100ml of water per day.

There are a few reasons why your hamster might be drinking more water than usual. If their water dish is too deep, they might be afraid to drink from it and will instead drink from the food in their bowl or any other available source. Make sure their water dish is shallower than 3 inches (7.6 cm) to prevent this from happening.

Is my hamster’s water dish too small?

Before you invest in a bigger water dish, make sure that your hamster’s current dish is clean and free of debris. If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned it, your hamster might be avoiding the water because it’s dirty. Clean the dish with soap and water, rinse it well, and refill it with fresh water.

If your hamster’s dish is clean and he’s still drinking a lot of water, it could be a sign that he’s not getting enough moisture in his diet. Try adding some wet foods to his menu, like chopped fruits or vegetables, canned foods, or yogurt drops. You can also give him occasional baths to help him stay hydrated. Just make sure to monitor him closely, so he doesn’t get too cold or drink too much water.


Could there be something wrong with my hamster’s water?

One possibility is that there could be something wrong with your hamster’s water. If you use tap water, it might contain chemicals that can make your hamster sick. Use filtered or spring water instead.

Another possibility is that your hamster is bored and is looking for something to do. Try giving it more toys and things to play with.

If your hamster is still drinking a lot of water, it might be sick. Take it to the vet to get checked out.